The truth is, there are many scam artists on Craigslist ready to sell you a low quality pool fence, only to install it poorly, while using the wrong equipment. This leaves you with a false sense of security and an unsafe Pool Fence.
I have done numerous pool fence repairs over the years for people who "Were just trying to save a buck" and got totally ripped off. They told me “The Company looked legitimate” and “They frequently placed ads on Craigslist so I thought they were ok.”
I ask them:
1. Did you check with the Better Business Bureau?
2. Did you check Angie’s List?
3. Did they show you current Liability Insurance?
Answer: No, No and No.
Before you trust your child’s safety to the cheapest company around, please do your homework! A Pool Fence is not a product to skimp on!
Are you looking for a Pool Safety fence, Baby gate, Pool Fencing, Pool Gate baby gate fence in Tampa Bay Florida? We can help!
We are
Angie's List "A+" rated, 2010 Super service award winner, previous awards given in 2009,2008 and 2007.
BBB "A" rated,
Full Insurance